Discover the planet

Fact #1

Living, Breathing Earth

Earth is geologically alive, its surface constantly reshaped by plate tectonics. These plates move, driven by Earth's internal heat, creating mountains, valleys, and even causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This dynamic process makes Earth unique, continually reforming its landscapes over millions of years.

Fact #2

the blue planet

Earth is often called the Blue Planet due to its abundant water - about 71% of the surface is covered by oceans. This water is crucial for life, influencing climate and weather patterns. Earth's unique position in the solar system allows for liquid water, a key ingredient for sustaining life.

Fact #3

life supporting

Earth's atmosphere, a mixture of gases including nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, is essential for life. It provides breathable air, shields us from harmful solar radiation, and helps regulate temperature. This delicate balance makes Earth the only known planet to support life.